CLHIA Policy on Accessibility Standards for Customer Service
Canadian Life and Health Insurance Association (CLHIA) is committed to providing a barrier-free environment for our clients and members of the public (hereinafter referred to as "clients") and to providing our services in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of people with disabilities.
The purpose of this policy is to outline our expectations regarding the customer service requirements of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 ("AODA"). This policy applies to our employees as well as contractors or other third parties who interact on behalf of CLHIA with clients (hereafter referred to as "our staff").
CLHIA will use reasonable efforts to ensure that this policy and any related policies, practices or procedures are consistent with the following principles:
- Dignity: people with disabilities should be treated as valued clients who are deserving of effective and full services as other clients.
- Independence: services must be provided without the control or influence of others, and the freedom of people with disabilities to make their own decisions must be respected.
- Integration: people with disabilities must be able to benefit from services in the same place and the same or similar manner as other clients, wherever possible.
- Equal Opportunity: people with disabilities must be given an opportunity equal to that given to others to obtain, use and benefit from CLHIA's services.
We will communicate with people with disabilities in ways that take into account their disability. CLHIA is committed to providing an accessible website.
Assistive Devices
We will ensure that our staff is familiar with various assistive devices that may be used by people with disabilities while accessing our services.
Support Persons and Service Animals
We welcome persons with disabilities who are accompanied by a support person or a service animal at the parts of our premises that are open to the public.
In the case of support persons accompanying clients attending meetings at our premises, if there are applicable fees for the support person, advance notice of such fees will be provided to the individual with a disability.
Where a service animal’s access may be excluded by law, CLHIA will make reasonable efforts to arrange alternative ways for the individual to obtain, use or benefit from our services.
Notice of Temporary Service Disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to particular facilities or services usually used by persons with disabilities to access our services, CLHIA will make this information available immediately. A clearly posted notice will include information on the service that is unavailable, the anticipated length of the disruption, and a description of alternative facilities or services, if available. This notice will be placed on our website, our telephone lines and at our premises as appropriate.
We will ensure that all staff is trained about the provisions of our services to persons with disabilities.
The training will be provided as soon as practicable after hire of a new staff member or engagement of a contractor or other third party, on commencement of new or additional duties that require training, and on an ongoing basis when changes are made to this or other applicable policies, practices or procedures.
Training will include the following:
- a review of the purpose of the AODA and the requirements of the Customer Service Standard;
- a review of this policy;
- direction on how to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities;
- direction on how to interact with people with a disability who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a support person or service animal; and
- how to assist a person with a disability that is experiencing difficulty accessing CLHIA’s offices or services.
Feedback Process
Clients who wish to provide feedback on, or to make a complaint about, the way CLHIA provides services to people with disabilities can do so in a number of ways, as follows:
Telephone: (416) 777-2221
Write to:
Vice President, Finance and Administration
Canadian Life and Health and Insurance Association Inc.
79 Wellington St. West, Suite 2300
P.O. Box 99, TD South Tower
Toronto, Ontario M5K 1G8
We will ensure that our feedback process and our policies are accessible to persons with disabilities. On request, we will provide or arrange for accessible formats and communication supports that take into consideration the client's disability.