The Latest
Consultation on Optometrists Profession Regulation
Published on 01/03/2021
Group Insurance Insurance > Provincial & Territorial LegislationOn March 1, the CLHIA responded to an Alberta Health Services (AHS) consultation on a proposal from the Alberta College of Optometrists to expand the scope of practice to include some procedures currently allowed within the ophthalmology scope only. The CLHIA emphasized that allowing optometrists to deliver certain surgical, laser and other procedures that can be delivered in the office of the optometrist would result in these services being defunded from the AHS, as optometrists’ are not covered by the public plan. The CLHIA advised the AHS that private plans would be unlikely to cover these types of services under the vision care benefit, as this is typically reserved for lenses and frames. Therefore, these services would need to be paid by Albertans themselves.
Submission to the Canadian Transportation Agency in response to the Public Consultation on the Development of New Airline Refund Requirements
Published on 01/03/2021
Insurance > Federal LegislationOn March 1, the CLHIA responded to a Canadian Transportation Agency (CTA) consultation on proposed changes to the Air Passenger Protection Regulations as a result of the experience with trip cancellations and interruptions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the proposed changes will not be retroactive, the CLHIA pointed out the dissatisfaction many Canadians have expressed with having received a voucher. Any government funding paid to the airlines should come with a stipulation that airlines must reimburse consumers so-affected. In Canada, the CTA has allowed airlines to issue vouchers for credit instead of full refunds. In other jurisdictions such as the United Kingdom, Europe and the US, tighter regulations have required refunds and stipulate the turnaround time, as well as other requirements.
CLHIA opens Western Canada government affairs office
Published on 23/02/2021
CLHIA Governance > StaffCLHIA Budget 2021 Submission to the Department of Finance
Published on 22/02/2021
Capital and Assets Health Care Policy Pensions and Retirement Prescription Drug Costs Trade & Commerce > Long-term investments Retirement Income System Reviews Drug pricing Pharmacare PrivacyOn February 21, the CLHIA made its submission to the federal government in advance of budget 2021, including seven recommendations. In addition to long-standing recommendations such as supporting workplace and individual drug plans and eliminating the capital tax on Canadian financial institutions, this year the CLHIA also recommended the establishment of a 20-year federal debt instrument in order to aid in economic recovery. The submission also urges the government move ahead expeditiously with Bill C-11 to ensure a modernized and coherent regulatory framework across Canada.
Submission to the Canadian Government on a Possible Economic Partnership Agreement with Indonesia
Published on 22/02/2021
International > International TradeOn February 22, the CLHIA provided its views to the government of Canada on a possible comprehensive economic partnership agreement with Indonesia. Given the international operations of the industry and its presence in Indonesia, the industry is supportive of entering into such an agreement with the country. The submission highlighted key issues that need to be considered as part of the economic partnership agreement, including further opening the Indonesia market to foreign investment and the free flow of data across borders. The full submission can be found here.
Manitoba 2021 Pre-Budget Submission
Published on 18/02/2021
Government Relations > Government MonitoringOn February 18, the CLHIA made its submission to the Manitoba 2021 pre-budget consultation. The document makes five recommendations including those geared towards protecting workplace and individual health benefits and removing tax disincentives on insurance.
Ontario 2021 Pre-Budget Submission
Published on 11/02/2021
Insurance > Provincial & Territorial LegislationOn February 11, the CLHIA submitted its recommendations to the government of Ontario in advance of its 2021 budget. The submission made seven recommendations including supporting access to affordable prescription drugs, protecting vulnerable Ontario seniors from financial exploitation and reducing and eventually eliminating the retail sales and premium taxes on life and health insurance.
New Brunswick 2021-22 Pre-Budget Consultation
Published on 11/02/2021
Insurance > Provincial & Territorial LegislationOn February 11, the CLHIA made its submission to the government of New Brunswick in advance of its 2021 budget. The submission made seven recommendations including supporting access to affordable prescription drugs, modernizing the agent licensing regime and prohibiting self-insured employer long-term disability benefits.
Letter to Ontario MPPs Re: Bill 219, Life Settlements and Loans Act
Published on 25/01/2021
Insurance > Provincial & Territorial LegislationPrince Edward Island 2021 Pre-Budget Submission
Published on 22/01/2021
Government Relations Insurance > Government Monitoring Provincial & Territorial LegislationOn January 22, the CLHIA submitted its comments to the Prince Edward Island government in advance of its 2021 budget. The submission made five recommendations including supporting access to affordable prescription drugs, pension innovation to provide more secure retirement income options and removing tax disincentives on insurance.
CLHIA's submission to the Ontario Low-Carbon Hydrogen Strategy Consultation
Published on 18/01/2021
Sustainability and Climate Change > Government MonitoringOn January 18, the CLHIA submitted its comments to the Ontario Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks in response to its consultation on the development of a low-carbon hydrogen strategy. The submission highlighted the industry’s support for the government creating new opportunities for investment in sustainable, long-term infrastructure assets.
Submission to the Department of Finance on Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans
Published on 18/01/2021
Pensions and Retirement > Employer pension plans Retirement Income System ReviewsOn January 14th, the CLHIA made its submission to a Finance Canada consultation on “Strengthening Canadians’ Retirement Security – Proposals to Support the Sustainability of and Strengthen the Framework for Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans.” The submission commended the department for initiating this consultation on the security and governance of Canada’s pension plans. However, it also proposed some enhancements to the proposal to ensure that they are workable and provide necessary retirement income security so that Canadians may retire with confidence:
Letter to the Secretariat of the Canadian Association of Pension Supervisory Authorities (CAPSA) re: Quarterly Meeting 3 year planning priorities
Published on 27/03/2020
Pensions and Retirement > Public pensions (OAS/CPP/QPP/GIS) Pooled registered pension plans/PRPPs (and provincial variations) Employer pension plans Registered Products (RRSP, LIRA, RRIF)CLHIA Process on Electronic Declarations
Published on 24/12/2019
Trade & Commerce > Electronic CommerceEnhancing retirement income options for Canadians
Published on 29/11/2019
Pensions and Retirement > CLHIA Pensions and Retirement Policy Paper Public pensions (OAS/CPP/QPP/GIS) Pooled registered pension plans/PRPPs (and provincial variations) Employer pension plansLetter to Minister of Social Development and Poverty Reduction re: British Columbia Framework for Accessibility Legislation
Published on 29/11/2019
Insurance > Provincial & Territorial LegislationInsurers and healthcare groups collaborate to help providers and patients better understand health insurance benefits
Published on 13/11/2019
Group Insurance > Employee benefit plansUnderstanding Claims for Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea with Positive Airway Pressure (PAP) Devices
Published on 03/01/2018
Group Insurance > CLHIA Group Insurance guidelines and reference documents Paramedical benefits Employee benefit plansA Canadian Success Story: PROMOTING TRADE IN LIFE AND HEALTH INSURANCE
Published on 16/05/2017
International > International Trade CLHIA International Trade Policy PaperThis position paper briefly describes the benefit of trade in financial services to Canada, the participation of our insurance companies in foreign markets, and the policy directions the Canadian government should take to promote and facilitate trade, particularly for financial services.
Understanding Claims for Footwear and Orthotics
Published on 01/03/2018
Group Insurance > CLHIA Group Insurance guidelines and reference documents Paramedical benefits Employee benefit plansGuaranteed Withdrawal Benefit (GWB) Illustrations
Published on 22/03/2011
Distribution Insurance > CLHIA Distribution guidelines and reference documents Product disclosure CLHIA Insurance guidelines and reference documents Segregated Funds (IVICs)The purpose of this Guideline is to describe the information that should be included in illustrations of IVICs offering guaranteed withdrawal benefits. In particular, the Guideline identifies features that could be misunderstood by consumers or which are affected by consumer decisions and recommends practices to assist in explaining these.