
Submission to Employment and Social Development Canada on the Disability Inclusion Action Plan05/10/2021
British Columbia 2022 Pre-Budget Submission01/10/2021
Submission to the Canadian Transportation Agency re: Airline Passenger Rights29/09/2021
Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Government and Consumer Services on Modernizing Privacy in Ontario07/09/2021
Submission to the Department of Finance Consultation on Tax Implications of International Accounting rules for Insurance Contracts (IFRS 17)12/08/2021
ACCAP mémoire au sujet du budget fédéral de 202206/08/2021
Submission to the BC Special Committee to Review the Personal Information Protection Act05/08/2021
Response to British Columbia’s Consultation on its Climate Preparedness and Adaptation Strategy05/08/2021
Mémoire dans le cadre du processus de participation du public au sujet de la première Évaluation nationale des infrastructures du Canada04/08/2021
Response to the Nova Scotia Climate Change Plan for Clean Growth: Discussion Paper30/07/2021
Submission to the Ontario Ministry of Finance and FSRA regarding the Fraud and Abuse Strategy for the Auto Insurance Sector19/07/2021
Submission regarding PMPRB's Guideline Monitoring and Evaluation Plan19/07/2021
CLHIA Comments on FSRA financial professionals title protection rule and guidance21/06/2021
Submission to the Government of Saskatchewan on the Consultation on a Review of the Pension Funding Framework for Single Employer Defined Benefit Plans in the Private Sector and Other Complementary Reform Measures Applicable to all Defined Benefit Plans16/06/2021
CLHIA Federal Submission on Targeted Infrastructure Investment26/05/2021
Submission to the Financial Services Regulatory Authority of Ontario (FSRA) on the Proposed Guidance: Administration of Pension Benefits Upon Marriage Breakdown04/05/2021
Submission to the Government of Canada on Possible Accession to the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement03/05/2021
Submission to the New Brunswick Health Council on its healthcare system review30/04/2021
Consultation sur l’encadrement professionnel des ostéopathes30/04/2021
Submission to the Government of Saskatchewan on the Consultation on Financial Hardship Unlocking from a Locked-in Retirement Account30/04/2021
Newfoundland and Labrador 2021 Pre-Budget Submission30/04/2021
Submission to the Government of Canada on future trade with the United Kingdom28/04/2021
The OECD Roadmap for the Good Design of Defined Contribution Retirement Savings Plans14/04/2021
Submission to the Government of Canada on its Consultation on a National Strategy for High-Cost Drugs for Rare Diseases29/03/2021
Consultation on Optometrists Profession Regulation01/03/2021
Submission to the Canadian Transportation Agency in response to the Public Consultation on the Development of New Airline Refund Requirements01/03/2021
Mémoire au sujet du budget fédéral de 202122/02/2021
Submission to the Canadian Government on a Possible Economic Partnership Agreement with Indonesia22/02/2021
Manitoba 2021 Pre-Budget Submission18/02/2021
Ontario 2021 Pre-Budget Submission11/02/2021
New Brunswick 2021-22 Pre-Budget Consultation11/02/2021
Letter to Ontario MPPs Re: Bill 219, Life Settlements and Loans Act25/01/2021
Prince Edward Island 2021 Pre-Budget Submission22/01/2021
CLHIA's submission to the Ontario Low-Carbon Hydrogen Strategy Consultation18/01/2021
Submission to the Department of Finance on Federally Regulated Private Pension Plans18/01/2021
Mémoire de l'ACCAP présenté dans le cadre des consultations prébudgétaires - Budget du Québec 2021-202215/01/2021
Letter to Minister of Transportation re: COVID-19 test for in-bound travellers06/01/2021